Why I Chose RVCC


When I think of college, the first word that I think of is “stress,” and I wonder how many of my classmates would say the same thing. SATs, GPA, picking a school, picking a major, saving money to pay for it, and taking out loans, all of these wonderful things come into the decision of where you’ll go and spend your next years. The process is exhausting! It doesn’t have to be, however. It wasn’t for me.

I ended up looking towards Raritan Valley Community College (RVCC) for the answer to my college question. Originally Somerset County College, RV is a small, public school located in North Branch, New Jersey, established in 1965, and was the first community school to be sponsored by two different counties of the state. Hunterdon and Somerset labeled it as their “county college,” and soon it soared in popularity beyond those two. Now it receives students from Union, Middlesex, and Mercer. Despite the long drive, the students know how much the school is worth it, maybe due to the “Voted New Jersey’s #1 Community College” tagline that often accompanies RV’s name.

RV, now with 240 acres of campus to explore, offers over 90 associate degrees and certifications of various sorts, including an extensive nursing program with the option to test towards getting a license afterwards. I myself did not opt for the medical route, but I am finishing my Associate’s in English, to be transferred where I see fit in the spring. The variety of classes I’ve been able to take has surprised, but delighted me, and every single one, while being enjoyable and taught by wonderful professors, helps me towards my major.

Student classes vary vastly in sizes here. Some specialized classes might have only ten or twelve students in it, while others may have up to forty depending on the time and type. As you work further towards your major and take classes more specific to it, the size will likely go down, full of only people who are pursuing a similar degree.

While RV may be considering a dorm plan, for now they lack the complete “going away” experience, which is a good thing for anyone trying to ease themselves into college life. You go to school, take a few classes in the day, and go to work before returning home to a good meal. For me, this routine built up my desire to go on and find my next school until I’m practically jumping off of my seat at every chance. RV has made me excited to go away and find my next step towards my future.

To help with that, RVCC has multiple degree completion programs offered through other schools, including Rutgers, Kean, Stanford, Columbia, Cornell, and Felician University. With the option to continue online at home or go away and complete it in person, these schools extend on your experience at Raritan Valley for the regular college price. For any student who doesn’t want to follow one of those programs, no worries, because RV guarantees full transfer of credits to any state school in New Jersey.

As for affordability, there are many ways to receive tuition for RV. You can raise the money yourself (a semester for me, full-time, with six classes, barely hit over $3000), or if you need financial aid, you’ll be among 37% of the student body.

At the cost of being a bit more expensive, but that much more rewarding, you could join RV’s Honors College, which was the first one established in a New Jersey community college.

If you want something to do outside of class activities, RV has nearly 100 student organizations, including Phi Theta Kappa and a number of Division 2 sports programs, along with student government, the student newspaper (a favorite of mine), and cultural clubs formed from student experiences.

Here’s a bonus for anyone who has to drive an electric car to get to RV; there are charging spots available around campus, reserved specifically for your use. For anyone else, parking may be a hassle, but the worst that happens is you’re parked a bit away and have to walk to class. Depending on the time of day you go will determine whether or not that happens. I recommend later night classes if you can manage them. The front lots are usually fairly empty by six or seven.

Time is important. Raritan Valley lets you complete your major on your own time, which means that you can take two years or six to get it done. The good thing is that the first year is almost always the same classes regardless of your chosen path, so you have that time to change your mind in regards to your future. Oh, and changing your major is as easy as a discussion with your counselor. I did it before my second year, and all it took was a quick meeting and a few signatures from me.

For a first step, Raritan Valley was the best way to go for me. I could afford the classes, and I learned about college life before I had the benefit of living on campus fully. I could work and go to school while saving up money. I had time to discover what I really wanted to do. RVCC is the college experience from home that I didn’t know I needed until I was in class. It just goes to show that you don’t know what you’re in for until you get there!


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